The Digital Innovation
in Banking Masterclass

01 – 05 August 2022, Dubai -UAE

23 - 26 August 2022,
Sandton Centre Johannesburg South Africa

Register Now! Limited Seats Available!

Course overview:

The biggest challenge for business professionals today is knowing how to re-imagine Technology as a business tool. They must learn to embrace Technology as a key driver for Change, Innovation & Transformation.  The combination of the best talent, great ideas and a willingness to adapt are key to success in this new environment. Banks are very much front and center in the competition for customers, market-share and mind-share.

This course is designed to highlight why it is so important for banks to bridge the gap between ‘Product’, ‘Business’ and ‘Technology’. It explains how to put your new skills to use and overcome resistance to change using techniques designed to influence others. Through this approach Transformation becomes part of the bank culture, everyone’s responsibility.

The Course has three GOALS:

  • ONE – Provide banking professionals with the insights required to re-imagine the bank’s role in the world of Digital Banking. This includes understanding why the ‘Art of the Possible’ is so important when it comes to leading Digital Transformation and Innovation. Each session is accompanied by real-world examples, lessons and case studies from banks from around the world
  • TWO – Show how the convergence of financial and lifestyle services brought about by digital technology has blurred the boundaries between Industries, Products and Service Providers. The sessions draw on extensive examples and case-studies of what successful banks are doing do (and also what they have learned not to do), from real-world experience.
  • THREE – Illustrate some of the practical tools, steps and practices to engage different parts of the business and how to influence and bring others along the journey. This is accomplished through

What the Course Covers

  • How to leverage Organizational strengths to drive Digital Transformation & make change happen
  • Re-imagining the customer journey to deliver value & meet customer needs
  • Achieving excellence in Service, Channel, and Experience delivery
  • Case studies, Latest Technology Innovations and Digital Banking trends
  • Digital Banking Trends from around the globe and how Digital is changing customer behavior
  • The FinTech’s transforming the customer experience in Financial Services
  • The importance of Disruptive Technology in the race to provide value to end users
  • Do FinTech’s pose a threat to Banks, how banks & Financial Institutions respond
  • Alternative lending & challenger businesses (remittances etc)
  • How Banks collaborate, partner or build in-house with FinTech’s
  • The Drive to Digital and what’s important to your Technology Innovation Strategy
  • Understand your organizations capabilities & resources to deal with the Digital Transformation Journey
  • Reduce waste and get maximum value from your Investment, with techniques from start-ups’
  • The impact of digital on customer behaviors
  • Insight into strategies for optimizing, de-risking & streamlining Digital Innovation

Who Should Attend:

The course is suited for those currently in these roles or preparing for roles including;

  • The ‘C’ suite: CEOs, CIOs, CTOs, COOs, CFOs, CMOs
  • Executives, Directors, VP’s, and EVP’s
  • Technology (I.T) Leaders, Innovation Experts, Project Managers & SME’s
  • Innovation Experts, Project Managers and SME’s
  • VP’s, and EVP’s of Banks and Financial Institutions
  • Retail and Electronic Banking Business Unit Heads, Leaders and Managers
  • Strategy, Risk, HR Executives and Managers
  • Digital/Mobile Executives and Directors

End of the workshop


While both In-House and Online training can present with cost-effectiveness and time-efficacy, there are some very specific differences between in-house courses and those based online.
The demand for additional courses by individuals or groups of people is increasing. Still, it depends entirely on the preferences of a person what type of training he or she wants to receive. Online courses and in-house training carry some similarities but they are considered to exhibit some very pivotal differences too. Despite that, both types of learning can be really beneficial for attendees.

For Registration and other Training arrangements,
contact us on the detail below.

SOUTH AFRICA : +27 11 057 6001
TANZANIA Cell: +255 769 688 544
WhatsApp +27 79 574 0389 /