Power Generation- Steam Turbines,
Gas Turbines & Combined Cycle Power Plants.
12 – 14 January 2022

Register Now! Few Seats Available!
Public R15, 999.00
Online R9, 999.00
Online R9, 999.00
This program provides a detailed understanding of steam power plants, gas turbines, and combined cycle plants. Each of the components such as compressors, gas and steam turbines, heat recovery steam generators, deaerators, condensers, lubricating systems, instrumentation, control systems, transformers, and generators are covered. The design, selection considerations, operation, maintenance, and economics of turbines as well as emission limits, reliability, monitoring, and governing systems will also be covered. The significant improvements that were made to power plants during the last two decades will also be explained.
Target Group:
- Chemical, Process and Mechanical Engineers
- Product Engineers and Technologists
- Operation, Technical Service and Maintenance Professionals
- Engineers, Consultants and Sales Professionals
- Technical Professionals responsible for interdisciplinary energy projects
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course the participants will be able to:
- Learn about components and subsystems of the various types of gas turbines, steam power plants, and combined cycle plants
- Examine the advantages, applications, performance, and economics of combined cycle plants
- Learn about various equipment including compressors, turbines, governing systems, combustors, deaerators, feedwater heaters, transformers, generators, and auxiliaries
- Discover the maintenance required for gas turbines, steam power plants, combined cycles, and generators to minimize their operating cost and maximize their efficiency, reliability, and longevity
- Learn about the monitoring and control of environmental emissions
- Discover instrumentation and control systems of gas turbines and combined cycles
- Increase their knowledge of predictive and preventive maintenance, reliability, and testing
- Gain a thorough understanding of the selection considerations and applications of steam power plants and combined-cycle plants
Targeted Competencies:
- Understand the technical features of centrifugal compressors and steam turbines
- Select the optimal type and size of equipment for a given industrial application
- Use methods of estimating the degree of deterioration and inefficiency of equipment
- Apply best practices and techniques of pinpointing the root cause of problems
- Choose the most efficient remedies and troubleshooting techniques in operation
Course Content:
Unit 1: Steam Power Plants:
- Review of Thermodynamics Principles
- Steam Power Plants
- The Fire-Tube Boiler
- The Water-Tube Boiler
- The Steam Drum
- Superheaters and Reheaters
- Steam Turbines
- Reheaters
- Condensers
- Feedwater Heaters
- Efficiency and Heat Rate
- Supercritical Plants
- Economics of Steam Power Plants
Unit 2: Steam Turbines and Auxiliaries:
- Turbine Types
- Compound Turbines
- Turbine Control Systems
- Steam Turbine Maintenance
- Steam Generators, Heat Exchangers, and Condensers
- Power Station Performance Monitoring
- The Turbine Governing Systems
- Steam Chests and Valves
- Turbine Protective Devices
- Turbine Instrumentation
- Lubrication Systems
- Gland Sealing System
- Frequently Asked Questions about Turbine-Generator Balancing, Vibration, Analysis and Maintenance
- Features Enhancing The Reliability and Maintainability of Steam Turbines
Unit 3: Gas Turbines & Compressors:
- Gas Turbine Fundamentals
- Overview of Gas Turbines
- Gas Turbine Design
- Gas Turbine Calculations
- Gas Turbine Compressors
- Compressors Auxiliaries, Off-Design Performance, Stall, and Surge
- Centrifugal Compressors – Components, Performance Characteristics, Balancing, Surge Prevention Systems, and Testing
- Dynamic Compressors Performance
- Compressor Seal Systems
- Dry Seals, Advanced Sealing Mechanisms, and Magnetic Bearings
Unit 4: Combined Cycle Power Plants:
- Combined Cycle vs Simple Cycle Power Plants
- Combined Cycle’s Technology Overview
- Single-Shaft Combined Cycle Power Generating Plants
- Economic and Technical Considerations for Combined Cycle Performance & Enhancement Options
- Combined Cycle Operation and Maintenance
- Latest improvements in Combined Cycle Technology
Unit 5: Transformers & Generators:
- Fundamentals of Electric Systems
- Introduction to Machinery Principles
- Transformers
- Transformers Components and Maintenance
- AC Machine Fundamentals
- Synchronous Generators
- Generator Components, Auxiliaries, and Excitation
- Generator Testing, Inspection, and Maintenance
End of Workshop

While both In-House and Online training can present with cost-effectiveness and time-efficacy, there are some very specific differences between in-house courses and those based online.
The demand for additional courses by individuals or groups of people is increasing. Still, it depends entirely on the preferences of a person what type of training he or she wants to receive. Online courses and in-house training carry some similarities but they are considered to exhibit some very pivotal differences too. Despite that, both types of learning can be really beneficial for attendees.
For Registration and other Training arrangements,
contact us on the detail below.
SOUTH AFRICA : +27 11 057 6001
TANZANIA Cell: +255 769 688 544
WhatsApp +27 79 574 0389
info@bmktraining.co.za / www.bmktraining.com