Off- Grid and Grid
Connected Solar System Design.
09 – 13 June 2025
Sandton Centre, Johannesburg South Africa

Register Now! Limited Seats Available!
R19, 999.00 Per Delegate
Course overview:
The main objective of the Grid Connected, and Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Systems course is to provides participants with the skills to understand energy audits, design, install, set up, test, fault find, repair and maintain grid connected photovoltaic systems and the associated equipment.
Targeted Audience:
- Solar Sales Professionals
- Solar fans
- Business owners in Solar
- Engineers
- Electricians
- PV System Technicians
- Electrical Project Designers
- Consulting Electrical Engineers
- Industrial, Commercial, Institutional Electrical Engineers
- Industrial, Commercial, Institutional Electricians
- Project Managers
- Installation And Operating Engineers
Course Outline:
PV Basics in a glance:
Components of PV-Systems
- Modules & inverters,
- Mounting system,
- types and costs,
- DC-cabling and connectors,
- Batteries,
- Grounding & lightning protection,
- monitoring systems,
- AC-material
Sunlight becomes electricity
- Performance and yield, global radiation, technical units
- Daily insolation, peak sun hours, azimuth and tilt angle
- Direct und diffuse sunlight, yield, the photovoltaic effect
- SMA free software Sunny Design as source for climate data and yield
- Knowledge transfer: use the data in your design
Electrical basics to understand the correlations
- Electrical basics, current, voltage, electric power, yield, temperature and radiation dependence, series / parallel circuits of solar modules
- Standard test conditions (STC), efficiency versus price
- Practical exercises (individual and in small groups)
Solar modules and their properties
- Module technology, types, characteristic values, production, Common modules defects and how to avoid them
- Quality, testing criteria, module comparison, module
Inverter and their properties
- Inverter types, inverter concepts
- PV grid tied inverter, bidirectional inverters, island inverter
- MPP-Tracking, unbalanced load, installation sites
- Aging mechanism, live span, service and maintenance
- Min. and max. modules in a string, parallel connection of strings, datasheet
- Types of shadows and their effects
- Methods to identify shadows and to calculate the yield losses, 4 solutions to minimize the effects of shadows
Designing Solar PV systems
Design insights of inverters
- Design roles, max. system voltage and current, MPP range
- Nominal power ratio
- Performance ratio
- Influence of orientation and shading
- How to choose the best inverter design
- Compare the different inverter designs regarding their yield production and the specific inverter prices
- Choosing inverters
Profitability analysis of PV plants for your customer
- Yield forecast,
- cost of a PV-plant,
- calculating Return Of Investment,
- Loans and equity, own consumption / feed in,
- calculation levelized cost of electricity;
- Cash account / compare of investments / detailed;
- Analysis and diagrams,
- arguments to convince your customer
Design a PV-array
- Design roles summary
- Determine the number of solar modules
- Pay Back Period
Stand-alone Systems, the principles of
Off Grid PV systems
Off Grid essentials
- Energy production
- Energy storage
- Storage management
- Load management
The planning and design of off-grid systems based on selected examples
- Load analysis
- System efficiency
- PV-Generator design
- DC connected isolated photovoltaic systems
- AC connected isolated photovoltaic systems
- Properties of Batteries & Battery Design
- Designing of the hybrid energy systems
Designing Off-Grid Hybrid Energy Systems with Sunny Island Battery inverter
- functions, protections and sizing of the Sunny Island inverters and the Multicluster Box
- SMA concepts for hybrid energy systems
- Function and protections of SMA PV inverters connected to isolated low-voltage AC grids
- Function, main features and protections of Sunny Island battery inverters
- Function and protections of the SMA Multicluster Box
- Practical Design tasks of Sunny Island hybrid energy system using the SMA software Sunny Design
Installation of PV arrays in a glance
- Static issues, wind load and structural stability
- DC lines, Permanent weather resistant cable ways
- DC combiner boxes
- Surge protective devices (SPD)
- Residual current devices (RCD)
- Measurement of PV-Systems
- Measurements before and after commissioning
- Hands On Training “measurement of solar modules”
- SMA concepts for hybrid energy systems
- Function and protections of SMA PV inverters connected to isolated low-voltage AC grids
- Function, main features and protections of Sunny Island battery inverters
- Function and protections of the SMA Multicluster Box
Installation & Commissioning of:
- SMA Sunny Boy PV inverter
- SMA Sunny Island Battery inverter
A Phocos or IMEON All in One Hybrid inverter (Hands On)
End of the workshop

While both In-House and Online training can present with cost-effectiveness and time-efficacy, there are some very specific differences between in-house courses and those based online.
The demand for additional courses by individuals or groups of people is increasing. Still, it depends entirely on the preferences of a person what type of training he or she wants to receive. Online courses and in-house training carry some similarities but they are considered to exhibit some very pivotal differences too. Despite that, both types of learning can be really beneficial for attendees.
For Registration and other Training arrangements,
contact us on the detail below.
SOUTH AFRICA : +27 11 057 6001
TANZANIA Cell: +255 769 688 544
WhatsApp +27 79 574 0389 /