Methodologies for Determining
Expected Credit Loss under IFRS 9.
02 – 05 August 2022 Johannesburg, South Africa

Register Now! Limited Seats Available!
Public R15, 999.00
Online R9, 999.00
Online R9, 999.00
Public R15, 999.00
Online R9, 999.00
IASB has published the new standard on financial instruments – IFRS 9. This standard replaces IAS 39. It is a new credit loss accounting standard that makes significant changes for recognition, measurement, and disclosures for estimated credit losses on financial assets.
Not only does this new standard have a significant impact on banks and other financial intermediaries making loans, it also affects all reporting entities across all industries because it applies broadly to financial instruments, including accounts receivable.
This new standard has far-reaching implications for companies because it impacts operations, data management, and internal controls over financial reporting. The course will cover an implementation of the new standard and detail appropriate governance
This course will help to clarify these issues and help you to get ready to plan your strategy for the transition to the modified standard.
Learning Objectives
- IFRS 9 requirements on ECL
- Identify and implement IFRS 9 compliant ECL methodologies other than PD/LGD.
- Understand how to apply them to portfolios of financial assets using excel.
- Understand the documentation and control requirements arising from the implementation of such methodologies.
Targeted Groups:
- Financial and management accountants in corporate and financial institutions
- Staff in the treasury, operations, risk management, IT, or compliance departments
- Internal auditors of entities reporting under IFRSs
- External auditors with clients facing the complexities and challenges in adopting and implementing IFRS 9
- Staff and management of Central Banks, Deposit Insurance Entities, and other agencies with regulatory responsibility in the financial services sector
- Financial analysts seeking to improve their understanding of the accounting and disclosures related to financial instruments and the changes introduced by IFRS 9
- Professors and other instructors with educational facilities
- First-time adopters of IFRSs, seeking to analyze the implications of applying IFRS 9 initially
At the end of this seminar participants will:
- Have an understanding of IFRS 9 ECL requirements
- Have an understanding of methodologies other than PD/LGD and their applicability for the purposes of determining the loan loss provisions under IFRS 9;
- Have an understanding of how to apply these methodologies to portfolios of financial assets using excel;
- How to document and control the use of such methodologies.
For Registration and other Training arrangements,
contact us on the detail below.
SOUTH AFRICA : +27 11 057 6001
TANZANIA Cell: +255 769 688 544
WhatsApp +27 79 574 0389 /