Design of Overhead
Transmission and Distribution
Lines using PLS-CADD
Certified for 5 CPD Points (ECSA)
05 - 09 December 2022
Dar Es Salaam Tanzania

Register Now! Limited Seats Available!
USD 1,500.00 Per Delegate
Course Overview:
A steady increase in population and their continuous reliability in advanced technology has an uphill demand of power with respect to time. The end users are demanding more power, so it is necessary to increase the transmission capacity of existing power links as well as build new high voltage power links. Our training course provides a high level of insight and knowledge to overhead line design, covering all aspects of the latest technologies involved – electrical, mechanical, structural and civil using state of the art transmission line design software PLS Suite which includes PLS CADD, PLS Tower, PLS Pole etc.
This course will teach how to use PLS-CADD on a transmission or distribution project from start to finish, including importing survey data, criteria development, structure design, conductor sagging and Plan & Profile drawing development and plotting.
Topics Covered
- Overview of the PLS Suite of Software
- Survey Data and Terrain modelling
- Engineering Design criteria
- Component libraries
- Clearance calculations
- Manual spotting and stringing
- Automatic spotting
- Structure calculations
- PLS-POLE/TOWER integration with PLS-CADD
- Concentrated loads e.g. aircraft warning spheres
- PLS-CADD drafting tools
- Creation of construction documentation
Who Should Attend:
- Transmission line design engineers
- Electrical Engineer
- Structural engineers
- Consulting engineers
- Design and drafting technicians
- CAD technicians
- Surveyors
Course Outline:
Overview and Terrain Modeling
- PLS-CADD system overview
- Presentation of projects
- How to organize project files
- View commands, opening of windows, viewing of phases and sags
- Needed terrain data and surveying
- Prepare a terrain model
LiDAR Aerial Surveying
- How to use 3-dimensional survey data
- Building design models from LiDAR data
- Identifying clearance limits and potential for clearance upgrades
Conductor Design and Modeling
- Various conductor types
- Conductor properties: advantages and disadvantages
- Permanent deformation from overloading and creep
- Effects of high temperature on creep and strength reduction
- Conductor models in PLS-CADD
- Aeolian vibrations: how to limit
- Temperature vs. ampacity
- Line thermal rating
Design Criteria
- Weather data
- Wind and ice loads: gust response factors, etc.
- Conductor limits of use
- Conditions for automatic sagging
- Structure loads and safety factors
- Conditions for checking clearances
- PLS-CADD/LITE: simplified PLS-CADD module
Structures Modeling by Allowable Spans
- Available structure models – allowable spans method – full analysis method
- Material lists, parts lists
- Create and edit allowable span structures
Interactive Line Design
- Spot structures interactively
- String and sag conductors: demonstrate
- Check clearances: vertical, between phases, galloping, etc.
- Check overall design efficiency
Generate Construction Documents
- Plan-and-profile sheets, staking lists, stringing charts, offset clipping, etc.
Modeling of Poles and Frames by Analysis
- Overview of structure programs; PLS-POLE
- Create and edit wood, steel and concrete poles/frames
- Determining allowable spans of existing structure designs
Modeling Existing Lines, Assessment, and Refurbishing
- Modeling existing lines and structures
- Assessment, reconductoring, refurbishing, etc.
- Joint use issues and modeling
- Links to SAPS
Automatic Optimum Spotting
- Theory and examples
Checking Detailed Tower Models
- Brief overview of TOWER program capabilities
- Linkage between PLS-CADD and TOWER
- Checking and modifying older tower designs
End of the Workshop

While both In-House and Online training can present with cost-effectiveness and time-efficacy, there are some very specific differences between in-house courses and those based online.
The demand for additional courses by individuals or groups of people is increasing. Still, it depends entirely on the preferences of a person what type of training he or she wants to receive. Online courses and in-house training carry some similarities but they are considered to exhibit some very pivotal differences too. Despite that, both types of learning can be really beneficial for attendees.
For Registration and other Training arrangements,
contact us on the detail below.
SOUTH AFRICA : +27 11 057 6001
TANZANIA Cell: +255 769 688 544
WhatsApp +27 79 574 0389 /