Corporate Treasury Masterclass

How to Manage the Key Financial Risks for a Corporation
and Deliver Cost-Effective Financing

24 – 28 March 2025
Sandton Centre Johannesbug South Africa

Register Now! Limited Seats Available!

R19, 999.00 Per Delegate

Public R14, 999.00

Online R10, 999.00


Banks, companies and capital markets investors have responded to the GFC with tighter lending practices. Shareholders are demanding greater transparency in the corporate approach to financial risk management and regulators are increasingly seeking to take action against negligent corporations. There has never been a more important time for corporations to ensure their treasuries are at least aware of, if not adopting, best practice in their approaches to financial risk management.

Learn the way that banks and companies uses to manage the risks associated with currencies, interest rates, capital, funding and liquidity

This masterclass will specifically address the following key areas and the better practices employed by corporate treasuries to identify, quantify, manage and report the financing and operational risks confronting them:

  • How corporate treasuries add value
  • Liquidity management
  • Cash management
  • Corporate funding
  • Foreign exchange risk management
  • Interest rate risk management
  • Operational risk management including policies and procedures
  • Measuring treasury performance


  • Understand the importance of managing liquidity risk and the tools and techniques used by leading corporations to identify and manage potential liquidity traps before they arise
  • Learn the transactions and tools available to effectively manage foreign exchange risk
  • Learn how to develop effective strategies for managing foreign exchange risk
  • Consider the importance of robust cash flow forecasting and how it can be used to reduce the key financial risks and provide opportunities to increase profit.
  • Review several different approaches to cash flow forecasting and their strengths and weaknesses
  • Learn the importance of financial covenants and how to use stress testing and scenario analysis to identify the key financial risks to the corporation
  • Understand the key skills required by corporate treasuries to help guide the corporation through effective financial risk management
  • Learn the transactions and tools to effectively manage interest rate risk
  • Learn the importance of yield curves and how they can be used to achieve cost-effective interest rates
  • Understand the key components of an effective framework for managing financial risks and review examples of the key documents including a treasury policy and a treasury procedures document
  • Learn the key controls in managing the back-office for a corporate treasury and how to achieve effective separation of duties with minimal head count
  • Review and discuss best-practice treasury reporting to ensure the Board and management have a clear and comprehensive understanding of the key financial risks and how they are managed


This workshop has benefitted:

  • Corporate Treasurers
  • International Trade Manager
  • Investment Officers
  • CFO
  • Treasury Officers
  • Accountants
  • Risk Managers
  • Financial Controllers
  • Capital Market Manager
  • General Managers Finance
  • Directors
  • Corporate Accountants
  • Corporate Dealers
  • Treasury Auditors/Auditors
  • Lawyers
  • Consultants
  • Financial Analysts
  • Portfolio Executive/Managers/Analyst


Financing and Financial Risk Management

  • How corporate treasuries add value
  • Risks and exposure management
  • Liquidity management
  • Cash management
  • Funding the corporation

Foreign Exchange Risk Management

  • Overview of the FX markets and terminology
  • Forward exchange contracts
  • Foreign exchange swaps
  • How corporations manage FX risk
  • Developing FX risk management strategies

Interest Rate Risk Management

  • Financial mathematics – a refresher
  • Yield curves and how to interpret them
  • Forward rate agreements
  • Interest rate swaps
  • How corporations manage interest rate risk

Treasury Governance and Operational Risk

  • The treasury risk management framework
  • The treasury policy
  • The treasury procedures manual
  • Key controls in treasury
  • Treasury performance measurement

On the last day Participants will be provided with recommended frameworks, documents, approaches, models, reports and checklists to ensure they have a complete and enduring understanding of the better practices in corporate treasuries.

End of the workshop



While both In-House and Online training can present with cost-effectiveness and time-efficacy, there are some very specific differences between in-house courses and those based online.
The demand for additional courses by individuals or groups of people is increasing. Still, it depends entirely on the preferences of a person what type of training he or she wants to receive. Online courses and in-house training carry some similarities but they are considered to exhibit some very pivotal differences too. Despite that, both types of learning can be really beneficial for attendees.

For Registration and other Training arrangements,
contact us on the detail below.

SOUTH AFRICA : +27 11 057 6001
TANZANIA Cell: +255 769 688 544
WhatsApp +27 79 574 0389 /