Business Analysis
Identify business needs to determine
and execute valuable solutions
16– 20 May 2022 -Johannesburg South Africa
18 – 21 July 2022 - Dubai
06 – 09 December 2022 - Bangkok

Register Now! Limited Seats Available!
Public R19, 999.00
Virtual R11, 999.00
Virtual R11, 999.00
Public R19, 999.00,
Virtual R11, 999.00,
$2500.00 USD - DUBAI,
$2500.00 USD - BANGKOK.
Course Overview:
Today’s challenging and fast-changing business environment means that competition in all industry sectors is now tougher than ever. Managers and senior executives practicing transformational leadership must take societal, technological and global business trends into consideration when assessing new business opportunities and defining a business development strategy.
Business analyst training provides knowledge and tools to help executives find new business opportunities and assess solutions to business problems without losing sight of current and overall market requirements. Such training can either be specific to the business analyst function, or aimed at general managers and senior executives who need to guide the company’s strategic direction.
At the end of this course students will be able to:
- Define business analysis and requirements
- Elicit requirements from stakeholders using a variety of effective techniques
- Practice creative thinking skills to engage stakeholders, uncover needs, and identify new approaches and ideas
- Compare and contrast analysis techniques in order to select the technique(s) that will most appropriately:
- support your understanding, critical thinking and problem solving
- communicate information to stakeholders to enable review and their understanding of requirements
- Reduce confusion and development errors by creating excellent requirements that can be easily understood by outsourced or distributed teams
- Get the most out of your models and diagrams by asking the right questions during analysis
- Identify why the project is being done (business drivers) in order to ensure the right analysis effort is being performed and so that requirements efforts can be appropriately prioritized
- Create a context data flow diagram to identify interfaces, data flows, and high-level processes associated with the project, that is valuable both for planning and communications purposes
- Discuss strategies for content organization and collaboration, and describe why being more organized increases team agility
- Practice creating an analysis approach to make the most efficient use of elicitation and analysis techniques
- Learn to address common barriers that face project teams
Who Should Attend:
- Business Analysts,
- Project Managers,
- Business change managers
Course Outline:
Requirements Elicitation and Review
- Introduction
- Define business analysis
- Discuss what requirements are and how they are utilized in the analysis
- Reinforce the importance of a good understanding of stakeholders
- Putting Requirements Elicitation into Practice
- Describe the considerations for planning elicitation
- Manage conflict within the context of requirements and stakeholders
- Describe how to use 12 different elicitation techniques within 3 categories (Collaborative, Research-based, Experiments) to understand stakeholder requirements: Document Analysis, Observational Studies, Interviews, Surveys and Questionnaires, Requirements Workshops, Brainstorming, Collaborative Games, Focus Groups, Personas, Data Mining, Prototypes and Proofs of Concept and Benchmarking and Market Analysis
- Improve your elicitation skills by:
- Practicing several elicitation techniques
- Utilizing active listening techniques
- Enhancing critical thinking skills
- Using various techniques for increased brainstorming results
- Choose the appropriate technique(s) for your project
Scope Your Area of Analysis
- Introduction to Scoping
- Define solution scope and explain its applicability and purpose
- Identify the components of scope and explain the purpose of a business requirements document
- Describe the value of scoping your area of analysis
- Define Project Context and Purpose
- Analyze Strategy for Context
- Explain how to assess a project within the larger context of the enterprise
- Identify the documents and information valuable to establishing project context
- Understand Current State of the process, problem, or business area
- Learn to identify the Root Cause
- Document Project Purpose
- Compose a well-defined problem statement
- Clearly state business objectives
- Differentiate business drivers from problem solutions
- Study problems and opportunities in the organization
- Define project approach
- Construct a project glossary and illustrate its value
- Analyze Business Risks
- Distinguish and express key scope parameters and explain their importance
- Risks
- Assumptions
- Constraints
- Dependencies
- Scope Your Area of Analysis
- Determine the business requirements needed to deliver value and solve the problem
- Express scope with graphical representation (Context Diagram)
- Illustrate components of graphical scope & order of definition
- Identify external agents
- Analyze and Identify data flows
- Determine the project boundary
- Illustrate components of graphical scope & order of definition
- Identify the affected Business Capabilities that the project entails
- Detect stakeholders from scope context
- Set up your requirements for traceability
- Discuss ways to manage changes on a project
Requirements Analysis Techniques
- Introduction to Requirements Analysis Techniques
- Describe requirements and the importance of requirements analysis
- Provide guidance on how requirements analysis techniques are applicable within any methodology
- Compare and contrast the requirements analysis perspectives:
- Stakeholder perspectives
- What vs. How and AS IS vs. TO BE
- Breaking Down Requirements into Core Components
- Define the four core components that make up all requirements:
- Data
- Process
- External Agent/Actor
- Business Rules
- Describe what the core components represent
- Identify the importance of core components to your audience
- Using Analysis Techniques to Your Advantage
- Describe how particular analysis techniques:
- Drive quality analysis
- Communicate requirements perspectives effectively
- Go beyond documenting requirements solely with text – describe how diagrams and models can also be used for analysis
- Compare and contrast the different requirements analysis techniques when preparing to communicate with your audience:
- Context Data Flow Diagram
- User Stories and Personas
- Decomposition Diagrams and Story Maps
- Entity Relationship Diagram
- Glossary
- Decision Tables and Decision Models™
- Flowcharts
- Use Case Modeling
- User Stories
- Prototyping
- Create the right analysis approach based on your stakeholder’s learning style
- Confirm the analyzed requirements with stakeholder
Applying Business Analysis
- Developing an Analysis Approach
- Review elicitation and analysis techniques
- Discuss how to trace, categorize, and organize for better management of requirements and changes to requirements and for optimal communication to stakeholders
- Define Excellent Requirements characteristics
- Workshop Options – What is your Analysis Approach?
- Use a case study or your own project to discuss and determine the best approach to requirements for the situation OR
- Use a case study to learn and experience the Agile Mindset and Scrum framework and to understand the timing of and techniques to use for user story requirements
- Swimming with the Sharks
- Workshop: Work in groups to create an approach for overcoming real-world obstacles that effect projects
- Describe key strategies for having difficult conversations with SMEs and maneuvering through office politics
- Describe options for increased stakeholder engagement with a Quick Tip job aid
- Discuss approaches to resolve conflicting needs, including prioritization options
End of the Workshop

While both In-House and Online training can present with cost-effectiveness and time-efficacy, there are some very specific differences between in-house courses and those based online.
The demand for additional courses by individuals or groups of people is increasing. Still, it depends entirely on the preferences of a person what type of training he or she wants to receive. Online courses and in-house training carry some similarities but they are considered to exhibit some very pivotal differences too. Despite that, both types of learning can be really beneficial for attendees.
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