Advanced International Corporate Finance.

08 - 11 February 2022 Sandton Centre, Jhb South Africa

28 – 31 March 2022 Dubai

10 – 13 May 2022 Cape Town, South Africa


Register Now! Limited Seats Available!

Public R15, 999.00

Online R9, 999.00

Online R9, 999.00

Public R15, 999.00

Online R9, 999.00

$2500.00 USD - DUBAI

Enhance your knowledge of international corporate finance:

Financial decisions such as Investments, Mergers and Acquisitions, Financing, Risk Management, Valuation and Payout Policy all have international dimensions. But in today’s constantly shifting global economy and turbulent business environment, such decisions are rendered more complex and challenging than ever before. In particular, global differences in regulation, taxation, exchange risk, political risk and governance quality all have an impact on the way financial decisions should be made. To succeed, and take their knowledge of corporate finance to the next level, finance professionals need a solid understanding of these international complexities.

Advanced International Corporate Finance programme will help you develop a strategic understanding of key financial decisions faced by organisations today.

Course Objective:

  • Risk management. Be better prepared to deal with international challenges in corporate finance, in particular political, governance and currency risks
  • Refreshed skill set. Make better investment, financing and pay-out decisions in an international context
  • Analytical examination of return and risk. Accurately measure the impact of your strategic decisions on shareholder value as well as on risk
  • Deeper understanding. Strengthen your knowledge of global financial markets
  • Strategic planning. Increase your tactical finance capabilities and improve your valuation skills

Master M&A. Improve your tactical skills in M&A, in particular anticipating takeover defences when you are a bidder

Participant profile:

The Advanced International Corporate Finance programme is designed for executives and board
members who want to sharpen their finance knowledge, especially in an international context. Participants possess a very good understanding of finance theories and are already familiar with the valuation and capital structure concepts. They are typically:

  • CFOs
  • Board members
  • Financial analysts
  • Finance professionals involved in structuring and evaluating public–private partnerships
  • Consultants with a particular focus on corporate finance
  • Pension fund managers
  • Investment bankers.

Course Outline :

Session 1: Company valuation, cost of capital and optimal capital structure A refresher on the fundamentals of company valuation, including:

  • Estimating free cash flows and the cost of capital
  • Calculating discounted cash flows using the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) method
  • Assessing the reasonableness of forecasts and estimates of continuing value.

Session 2: Advanced international project valuation and public–private partnerships

  • The Adjusted Present Value (APV) method
  • The Compressed Adjusted Present Value (CAPV) method
  • The shareholder NPV (Net Present Value) and the discounting of equity cash flows
  • How to manage solvency risk
  • Simple and complex applications of the various techniques

Session 3: International valuation: dealing with the international dimension of risk

  • How to hedge risk from a broad strategic perspective (currency risk, particularly transaction, translation and economic exposure)
  • When it makes sense to hedge currency risk financially, and the contracts to consider
  • Analysis of valuation of international projects – with a focus on the international dimension of risk
  • How financial and organisational structure can reduce international and country risk
  • How to structure international deals that minimise risk and maximise value
  • Process of raising funds internationally

Session 4: Value creation in raising capital

  • Impact on voting and control over the company and the costs of raising equity from the public markets, and the use of rights offering
  • Incentives for different parties in equity financing (investors, managers, advisors and board members)
  • Analysing how value is created by taking advantage of raising equity capital from the public market from the first time
  • Examining ideal candidate companies for initial public offering and the ideal timing for an IPO
  • Roles played by the different players (issuers, investment bankers or advisors, institutional investors, venture capitalists and other equity investors)

Session 5: Tactical issues in finance: dealing with undervaluation through share buybacks and takeover defenses

  • When and how to signal undervaluation to the markets, or alternatively to take advantage of the undervaluation by buying back shares
  • When to increase dividend payments
  • When to buy back shares and methods for doing so, such as
  • fixed-price tender offers;
  • Dutch auctions; and
  • open-market, private or accelerated repurchases
  • How to discourage hostile takeover bids through pre-emptive tactics
  • How to respond to hostile takeover bids once they have been made

End of the Workshop


While both In-House and Online training can present with cost-effectiveness and time-efficacy, there are some very specific differences between in-house courses and those based online.
The demand for additional courses by individuals or groups of people is increasing. Still, it depends entirely on the preferences of a person what type of training he or she wants to receive. Online courses and in-house training carry some similarities but they are considered to exhibit some very pivotal differences too. Despite that, both types of learning can be really beneficial for attendees.

For Registration and other Training arrangements,
contact us on the detail below.

SOUTH AFRICA : +27 11 057 6001
TANZANIA Cell: +255 769 688 544
WhatsApp +27 79 574 0389 /